There is a wide range of trucks and trailers utilized for many shipping applications, both commercial and residential. Understanding the type of trailer required for your shipment is essential in protecting your freight from damage caused by the elements, loading, and unloading, or temperature. Today, we will tell you about the vented van trailer, when it’s used, how it differs from other vans and its benefits.
Vented Van Definition
The vented van is primarily used for shipping dry and non-perishable goods. These vans are equipped with vents at the front and back of the trailer that serve to circulate air and protect against the elements. The dry goods most commonly transported are nursery stock and specific foods and plastics, which we’ll discuss further below.
Freight Carried on Vented Van Trailer
A vented trailer is relied on to carry a number of different products, including:
- Corn
- Nursery stock
- Onions
- Plastics requiring ventilation
- Potatoes
- Pumpkins
- Watermelon

Vented Van vs Regular Van Differences
So, how does a vented dry van differ from a regular dry van? The greatest difference between the two is the circulation of air within the trailer. Vented vas contain, you guessed it, vents, in the front and the rear of the trailer to encourage airflow. This is a great alternative to using a reefer, or refrigerated truck for items that require air circulation but not a strict temperature-controlled environment.
The vents in these trailers can differ as well. Some vents look like small doors, with the capability of being closed to protect against damage caused by moisture outside. Some vents, however, are similar to standard air conditioning and heating vents, a metal plate with slits.
Benefits of Vented Trailers
The primary benefit of a vented van trailer is the trailer’s ability to keep its freight well ventilated and cool. Vents serve to reduce the build-up of heat that trailers produce, especially for goods like onions and nursery stock that can cause pungent fumes in heat. Vented vans eliminate the risks associated with transporting certain goods and produce.
If you need a vented van or you’re looking to ship a freight but don’t know which van type should be used for the shipment, DFW trucking company can help. We have a wide variety of trucks and trailers to choose from, just get a freight transportation quote for consultation or call 817-398-3464.